6 Best Social Media Accounts To Learn About Influencer Marketing in India

So, you have a product with great features, and you want to get the word out to your audience in the quickest possible way. Well the solution lies in using influencer marketing to create the kind of hype your product needs to sell like hot cakes. For a brand in its nascency, which has the financial potential to invest in influencer marketing, there is good scope for the brand to make a good start in the market. For instance, an Influencer on Instagram, who has about 190 thousand followers can charge about Rs. 70,000 for just one post but having 190 thousand followers as a captive audience, serves as a great launchpad for a particular brand in that given area of interest.
Influencer Marketing For Twitter
Like Instagram, Twitter marketing influencers are as easy to find as looking for them on Google. What you will notice primarily with Twitter marketing influencers is that, their profiles are well balanced when it comes to posting business, casual and personal posts so as to make their accounts come across as genuine. Two notable Twitter influencers in India are Avinash Naik and Nisha Jamvwal. Avinash is an avid social media enthusiast who is into Sales and Product Development and tweets everything from jokes to politics to global affairs. Going by the handle @AviNaik, he has over 148K followers and has posted over 16k Tweets. Nisha Jamvwal aka @nishjamvwal on twitter is an interior designer and celebrity columnist who has made a comeback into the limelight after a sabbatical, today her Twitter verified account has over 15K followers and she posts everything from the Games of Thrones to interactive contest campaigns like #PhotoOKPlease where she has been elected as a judge.
Influencer Marketing For Facebook
Influencer Marketing on Facebook enjoys a good readership across social media platforms. Like Shivya Nath the famous Indian globetrotter who has over 74K followers on Instagram account @theshootingstar while the travel pics she shares on her facebook profile are more personal in nature. Then you have @TheGutlessFoodie aka Natasha Diddee who is a popular Instagram influencer in the area of food despite losing her stomach to a tumor. The Instagram content of both these influencers is on facebook while they also trying to publicize their published work which is available both in digitally and in print. When we look at influencers who chiefly use facebook, like Merrill Fleur aka @MerrillFleurWeddings whose wedding gowns are among the most prized for brides to be, then you have Karen Anand, whose page has over 6.7K likes, she is known for the Markets she runs across the country, where a host of brands come together and meet the public eye.
In all this we notice that influencer marketing on twitter and facebook allows brands to share their influencer’s spotlight, and better still have influencers recommend the brand as a must have to their followers. So, in a market which is like Snake & Ladders, influencer marketing is a ladder which boost a brand up multiple levels both in terms of popularity and ROI.